Interface Transport is a consulting service specialized in freight transportation and urban logistic. We help public and private actors with issues related to the mobility of goods since 1995. Our team produces studies and designs efficient solutions that respond to logistical problems and contribute to their integration into overall mobility policies.
Role: Interface Transport is the coordinator of the consortium. It will also contribute technically to the project, by establishing a complete diagnosis of urban freight in each LL of the project, by contributing to the design of the different use cases that will be tested, and by defining the services and business models associated to the consolidation and collaboration logistic schemes implemented.

As a city state, the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg is a federal state of the Federal Republic of Germany and, with around 1.85 million inhabitants, is also the second largest city in Germany. The city area is divided into seven districts and 104 neighbourhoods. The government is formed by the Hamburg Senate, headed by the First Mayor. Subordinate to it are eleven specialised ministries and the Senate Chancellery. With around 130,000 public sector employees, Hamburg is the largest employer in the city.
Role: The partner Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg is made up of three public institutions: The Senate Chancellery is the specialised authority of Hamburg’s city government. It coordinates the Living Lab in Hamburg, communicates with the project management and provides political support for the project. The Ministry of Economics and Innovation is the competent authority. It contributes its expertise and experience to the project. The District Office of Hamburg Mitte is the district responsible for piloting the project. Close coordination with the district is therefore indispensable. Hamburg is the leader of Work package 6 while it is engaged in all other Work Packages.

The purpose of NMS New Mobility Solutions Hamburg GmbH (formerly known as ITS Hamburg 2021 GmbH) is to support the City of Hamburg in implementing a sustainable traffic and mobility transition. Its focus is on the stabilisation, initiation, development and implementation of digital solutions that are climate-friendly, city-friendly, innovative and user-centred.
Role: The New Mobility Solutions Hamburg GmbH (NMS) will provide all required connections to authorities, public organisations and other public persons from the Free City of Hamburg. The NMS will also provide support for the communication, dissemination and engagement process within WP8 and WP9.